– Reading

  1. Develop broad reading skills
  2. Demonstrate understanding of explicit meaning in texts
  3. Demonstrate understanding of implicit meaning in texts
  4. Explain, comment on and analyse the way writers use stylistic and other features of language and structure in texts
  5. Recognise conventions and evaluate viewpoint, purpose, themes and ideas in texts


– Writing

  1. Develop broad writing skills
  2. Select and develop content and use register and language appropriate to genre, purpose and audience
  3. Structure and organise ideas coherently using sections or paragraphs
  4. Use a range of sentence structures and punctuation accurately to convey meaning and create particular effects
  5. Use accurate spelling


– Speaking



– Number

  1. Numbers and the number system
  2. Calculation, Mental strategies
  3. Calculation (continued), Addition and subtraction AND Multiplication and division


– Geometry
  1. Shapes and geometric reasoning
  2. Position and movement


– Measure
  1. Length, mass and capacity
  2. Time
  3. Area and perimeter


– Handling Data
  1. Organising, categorising and representing data
  2. Probability


– Problem Solving
  1. Using techniques and skills in solving mathematical problems
  2. Using understanding and strategies in solving problems
– Scientific Inquiry
  1. Ideas and evidence
  2. Plan investigative work
  3. Obtain and present evidence
  4. Consider evidence and approach


– Biology
  1. Plants
  2. Humans and animals


– Chemistry
  1. Material properties


– Physics
  1. Forces
  2. Sound