1. Eid Al-Adha prayer and Qurban
- Madrasah performing Eid prayers precisely at 6.05 am
- Prayers’ pilgrims start from 4, 5, 6 grades of MINU Pucang 7, 8, 9 grades of MTs Bilingual and 10, 11, 12 grades of MA Bilingual, educators and education personnel
- Prayers’ pilgrim of Eid present 15 minutes before prayer and do takbir led by Ust. Ali Imron, M.Pd.I
- Bilal representatives 12 grade of MA Bilingual
- The preacher by Ust. Abdul Ghafur, M.Pd.I
- Khutbah duration is 30 minutes
- The Imam of prayer is Ust. Syarif Hidayatullah, S.H.I., S.Pd.I
- After prayers all pilgrims leave Madrasah and directly back home
2. Provisions of Qurban Animal slaughter
- Slaughter of qurban animal is implemented H+1 Eid Adha
- Madrasah receives animal qurban from learners, educators and education personnel
- For the slaughter animal of qurban is collective to each learner must deposit the collective money of qurban animal at least 75,000 rupiahs
- Slaughter qurban animal is done in 2 location that is in Jl. Jenggolo 53 and Siwalan Panji
- Qurban animals are distributed to the needy community including educators and learners
3. The Memorial of Maulid Nabi
- Competition of inter-class shalawat
- Group of shalawat consists of 20 members
- Sholawat is accompanied by music with the provision of own musical creations will get more point
- Class creativity competition with the theme “Lets Imitate Rasulullah”
- How to imitate the nature of Siddiq, tabligh, amanah, and fathanah.
- Everyday there is action from 9 classes, MI 6 classes and MTs 3 classes starting from the lowest grader
- Every booth must be able to attract visitors
- Creativity booth that can describe the central idea that gets the best score
- The winner is taken per class
- Each parallel class is taken one winner